Law Enforcement Agency sales ONLY, select "Request Quote" for an official quote
CTS 40MM aerial flash-bang produces an intense bright light and sound report. Must be fired significantly above a crowd during a riot. Used to determine intent or used to hail or warn approaching individuals, vehicles, or marine vessels.
*Effective ranges may vary depending on the type of 40MM launcher, condition of the rifling, barrel length, and environmental conditions. 50 Meter Option is the most popular.
CAUTION: Do not fire this round directly at a crowd, or individual person. The Model 4090-1 should be fired at least 50’ (15 M) above any human subjects. Do not fire directly into any building.
Type: Aerial Flash-Bangs
Caliber: 40MM
Weapon Compatibility: All 40MM Launchers, M203, M79 and Multi-Launcher Type Cartridge Length: 4.1” (104 mm) Effective Range: Desired Meter Range Per Option Selected +/- 10 Meters
Sound Output: 165-175 dB Average
Light Output: 6 Million Candela Minimum
Terminal Effects: Explosion and Bright Flash
Warranty: 5 Years from Shipment Date