CTS 3211 long range 37mm smoke cartridge delivering accurate smoke payloads to 150 yards. Used outdoors as a signaling device, crowd dispersal or area denial.
*These muzzle munitions are designed with a “dual-rim” enabling the operator to chamber the round in both 37MM and 40MM Launchers. However, only 37MM will deliver optimum performance as stated in this specification sheet.
**Effective range is dependent upon environmental factors, especially wind.
Type Irritant & Smoke Pyrotechnic Projectiles
Caliber 37MM
Weapon Compatibility 37MM 1.5” Riot Guns / M79 Type
Grenade Launcher
Cartridge Length * 4.9” (124.4 mm)
Effective Range** 150 yards (137 m)
Overall Weight 210 gm
Discharge Time 20 - 40 Seconds
Warranty 5 Years From Shipment Date