B&T Hydraulic Reduced Recoil Buffer for AR15 / AR9mm
Factory B&T Hydraulic Buffer, designed for standard AR15/M4 and AR9mm type firearms, using the same buffer technology found in all B&T platforms that drastically reduces felt recoil.Reviews
The Solution for AR9s
I want to start off by saying I would have never purchased this $200 buffer had i not already owned an B&T APC9 Pro. The recoil on the APC is very soft compared to other blowback 9mm’s. I recently built an Aero 9mm PCC that had a 7.7 ounce buffer that recoiled very hard for 9mm. This was the solution, $200 … well worth it! Not as smooth as the actual B&T but this hydraulic buffer really makes QUITE the difference on my AR9! Ditch the budget brand H3 and go for this! $200 well spent .. the Swiss know what they’re doing!